
Greetings shark lovers,

Just thought I'd post a quick one to let you all know that everything is a working progress at the moment! Please bare with us whilst we get some [hopefully] interesting posts together. In the meantime please feel free to explore the [few] pages to the right, where you can read a little about us and know what to expect when this blog is fully up and running.

We're excited to be creating this blog, and hope that it helps give you the information you crave or at least show you the way to some of the best resources available. In the long run of course, it is hoped that through different means, including this blog, the trouble sharks are in will be brought to light. 

We're looking to making this a successful part of our organisation, although we don't quite know how successful, we just cannot tell! Nonetheless we will do our best to deliver, and hopefully  you will enjoy what we have to share with you. 

Sorry its short, but we hope you come back when we have more to share.

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing this develop and grow! Good work Sorrell!
