The Team

Alex - Founder & Director:

Hey there! Thank you all for joining us here! The latest part of our ever growing family of social media websites. We will be using this site to post educational, informative, fun and factual articles, interviews, videos, related links and more!

I remember my ma getting me a book when I was 2/3 years old. It was a photo book of multiple species of shark. The Great White was my favourite. I cut out the photos and kept them in my pocket. At home, school, where ever I was. I was so fascinated by these animals. My whole life has been dedicated to the observation, study and research of sharks, which in 2012 led to the birth of Shark Aid International. It has grown and grown and I am so grateful that I can directly contribute to the protection of sharks through the work we are doing in this organisation.

We have been working basically daily on all our campaigns, projects and events and 2014 has already been busy and successful. Here's to the exciting and blossoming future! Please help us raise awareness, educate and share news, facts, posts and articles. Let's join together and speak up for the conservation and protection of sharks!

Thank you for your support.

Susana - Projects Coordinator:

Hello! I'm very proud to be a member of Shark Aid International and hope that I can keep up with all the fabulous work this organisation is doing! I've been in love with animals since I was a little girl, and being born in an island always facilitated that for me due to the fact that animals (especially marine animals) were everywhere. I began doing research for graduate students in 2006 and that's when I first did hands on work with sharks; it was then I realized that sharks needed help. Since then I have done quite a bit of work to help protect these beautiful creatures.

In 2010, I helped in the protectin of Lemon sharks in the state of Florida and in 2012 I helped run another fabulous campaign (which was the wonderful collaboration of many individuals) that got Smooth, Scalloped and Great Hammerheads and Tiger sharks protected in the state of Florida. I have also helped with the grassroots organizing of AB 376 (California shark fin ban) which also passed in 2012. I have helped in numerous anti shark finning letter writing campaigns such as Seychelles, Spain, Thailand, China and many more. I also had a role in the 2013 CITES for lobbying and helping pass the notions to protect Oceanics, Hammerheads and Porbeagle sharks. Sharks are my passion.

Since I first worked professionally with a shark in 2006, I knew that helping implement laws and bringing attention to their issues what I was supposed to do with my life. It was my purpose. I have had many enjoyable moment with sharks in the water; all have been by pure chance and all have been treasured. I look forward to working with Shark Aid International and I look forward to the wonderful opportunities I will be granted with sharks thanks to this wonderful organization, both in and out of the water.

??? - UK Coordinator:

Coming soon!

David - Field Photographer:

Jaws is one of those films that either terrifies people out of the water, or inspires a deep interest in sharks; sometimes both. For me, watching it as a young child, I was hooked. Growing up, if it had a shark on it, I wanted it. Books, videos, Top Trump cards, you name it, I just couldn't get enough. When in 2007, I had a chance to go cage diving with great white sharks in Gansbaai, it was a dream come true. I remember looking down into the water as a huge shark approached the boat and feeling utterly humbled. Seeing the beautiful creatures close up was everything I'd imagined it would be and more. Since then I've dived with Great Whites in Australia and Mexico and I am still bewitched.

So when I saw an opportunity to really help sharks, and they really do need our help, by working with Shark Aid International I jumped at the opportunity. It's so important for the health of out oceans to have a strong population of apex predators and right now we're in danger of removing them quicker than they can reproduce. On a personal level also, I want my daughter to be able to see sharks in the wild and dive with them; not just read about them in books because we've fished them to extinction.

But on a more positive note, I'm looking forward to helping raise awareness about sharks in my capacity as Field Photographer for Shark Aid International and introduce more people to these wonderful animals without scaring them in the process!

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